Bushfire hazard assessments

Image credit: Australian native bushfire - skipro101

Bushfire Hazard Reports - Tasmania only

Ecotec's bushfire services are designed to comprehensively assess the bushfire risks associated with your development, ensuring safety, regulatory compliance and Development Application (DA) approval. Tailored for landowners, developers, and building designers, our assessments and reports are critical in guiding successful development within bushfire-prone areas, Tasmania-wide.

Our approach to delivering Bushfire Hazard Report services encompasses:

  • We begin by discussing your project's specifics, followed by a desktop assessment using Tasmania's authoritative spatial data, such as the Natural Values Atlas and LISTmap. This step identifies potential bushfire hazards, evaluates site conditions, and reviews bushfire history to guide our Bushfire Hazard Assessment.

  • This key component of our Bushfire Hazard Assessments formally quantifies your proposed building's bushfire risk through the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) rating. Ranging from LOW (minimal risk) to BAL-FZ (Flame Zone, highest risk), BAL ratings are calculated based on vegetation type, land slope, and building distance from vegetation. Each rating guides the construction measures needed to enhance your building’s bushfire resilience.

  • This formal document synthesises our findings from the BAL Assessment and broader Bushfire Hazard Assessment into a comprehensive report. It is provided to your building surveyor and/or council as part of the development application process. The report details the bushfire risks identified, the BAL rating calculated for the site, and recommends specific siting, construction, infrastructure, and landscaping measures to mitigate these risks, ensuring compliance with local planning and building regulations for bushfire protection.

  • Included within the Bushfire Hazard Report, this plan outlines strategic and practical measures to manage and mitigate identified bushfire hazards over time. It details actionable steps for vegetation management, creating defensible spaces, and implementing other site-specific mitigation strategies to reduce the bushfire risk to the property. This plan is crucial for demonstrating to councils and building surveyors how the development will sustainably manage bushfire risks, aligning with regulatory requirements and enhancing safety.

View an example Bushfire Hazard Report produced by Ecotec Environmental.

We can also produce Natural Values Reports for Tasmanian DAs. Combine both of these services to streamline your development application.

Contact us to find out more.

Banner image credit: Image credit: Australian native bushfire - skipro101